Monday, April 11, 2011

A real man knows a real woman when he sees her

I am a point in my life where I've been there, done that, I'm at a place where I just don't have time to waste
There are 24 hours in a day, of which I usually spend 18 awake and am still unable to complete all that I have 
on my to-do list. So to waste another minute, even a second is certainly not a part of my agenda. So I 
decided I'd play the no strings attached game for a while until Mr. Right comes along. 
Yeah I'm gaaaaaannngsttttaaaa, isn't that my alias now???? Of course people who know me know the truth. 
That's my my my my poker face that I put on to shield and protect my heart. 
Sometimes I feel I have so much to give to that special someone, but to him and no one else. 
So back to the N.S.A. scenario, I figure I'd settle for Mr. Right now, instead of waiting and being patient for Mr. Right. 
Bad move. Why do I need to settle for someone who doesn't want to settle down
From the moment a man and woman meet, they both know realistically where their relationship is or isn't going to head. 
Why then do we as women decide to put ourselves in dead-end relationships, why do we entertain the man who's 
"happily" married, the brother who's just chilling until the "right one" comes along, the dude who wants to "sort himself out" 
before he can be in a relationship? 
When a man meets a woman and sees her worth nothing and I repeat NOTHING will get in the way of him locking her 
down and claiming her as his. He will leave that wife (not that I condone this), step out of chill mode, and immediately 
become the most responsible, got-it-together man for the sake of "the one". 
He won't let her slip away from his grasp, and hold onto her as if his very existence depended on her being in his life.
An older woman I know once said that its not a woman's place to ask a man "Where is this heading?", he's the one 
that's supposed to take the initiative when it comes to moving forward in a relationship. And although we've made great 
strides in terms of gender equality and I am very modern in most of my thought patterns, I'm still old school and 
a bit conventional in this area. So I think if a man sees my worth, he would step to me correctly and make his 
intentions known
There's nothing more sexy and powerful than a man who's willing to let down his ego boundaries and 
step out of his comfort zone and say that he wants a chance to see where "this" can go.  
That is man!!!!!!! Nothing tops that. 
I've seen all kind of scenarios with respect to relationships from personal experience and through that of women around me, 
so there's nothing that surprises me anymore. I guess that happens in life, in general, the older that you get. I'm fully aware 
of the magnitude and multitude of games that are played in the dating scene, by both parties. 
But guess what silly wabbit trix are for kids. Games and tricks have no place in grown people's relationships. 
It's that plain and simple/ 
The older I get, the more open and honest I am about who I am with myself and those around me, and the more I expect the 
same of those in my life. 
I especially respect a man who shows he is man enough to be honest about his feelings and intentions. 
If there's something you want, why not go after it wholeheartedly and make your intentions known. 
I know that men are from mars, women are from venus. We operate on two completely different platforms it seems. 
But I believe that inevitably we all desire the same thing
We want someone who's committed to us and only us, we want someone who will stand by our side through thick and thin, 
good times and bad times, we want someone who we can just be ourselves fully with. So if that's  what we all really 
want deep down inside, why do we keep our intentions and what we feel hidden
I guess we don't want anyone to break down those walls we put up hide our vulnerable "self" from the world. 
I guess we're afraid of being rejected, used or taken for granted when we wear our heart on our sleeves. 
I guess those past hurts and disappointments have made us shy away from the greater possibility that could exist. 
I guess its easier to close our hearts off to the possibility of the beauty of love than to risk putting ourselves out there. 
I guess its human nature to take the easy way out. No one wants to experience pain right? 
Isn't the goal of human existence to avoid suffering at all costs? 
But how will we ever evolve and grow without going through the experiences that will mold and shape us into the 
individuals we are destined to become? 
And having loving, healthy relationships I believe are a vital part of that growth process. Yet so many of us avoid it 
because the risks seem to great, and we live lives where we close ourselves off from others and the possibilities that  
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.
Anais Nin



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is sometimes true that a real man knows a real woman when he sees her. Some (men) are so consumed in life and chasing tail that they neglect to see what's in front of them

    And it's also true that some women are blinded by the past and hurt that they blocked or limit themselves (as a saftey precaution)to protect their heart and prevent the past from repeating itself.

    But when a man finds that women that possess the qualities that he desires in a mate and he has reached that stage in life when he is fully ready to give his heart and commit, then he will see past her flaws, love her past her pain and propel her into her next dimension of happy.
    "When a man findeth a wife, he findeth a God thing."

    The world these days is so hard, jaded and just corrupt, that many of us may have decided to settle for half a man, someone else's man or given up on the whole male species because faith has been lost.

    Prepare yourself. Work on your self. Ask for discernment. Open your mind to greater possibilities. Think of exactly what you want and send out that positive energy into the universe and he will come.

    Sounds "fairytale-ish" right?

    Crazier things have happened...and the right man finding his woman is far from crazy!

  3. Well said Niks and I LOVE the AKeys quotes/ know that's my girl! ;)
    Mandy Bennett

  4. Well Said Niks, i agree 100% and once again when I read this, it feels like a mirror image. I've gone thru all of the above and then some. Caps in our horoscope today was interesting in terms of Love, Life etc..As humans esp. females we are afraid of hurt esp. if we've experienced before. And as a Cap. it has to be a reason for the relationship to go any further. Thanx for the insite, you have helped me in more ways than one ^_^
